Original concept designs for Tony Stark's Malibu mansion from Iron Man, under the direction of Production Designer J. Michael Riva, final digital set design by Kevin Cross. Inspired by the architecture of John Lautner.
Final concept art for the Stark House on Point Dume.
Westward view of the Stark House.
Northward view of the Living Room Balcony and garage below.
Front entrance view.
The first sketch that nailed the final look, with the terraced organic forms and spiraling roofline.
Earlier pencil exploration of more rectilinear cantilevered structures. The basic layout still remains the same in the final version, with the guest house cantilevered over the driveway.
More early pencil exploration of terraced rectilinear structures.
More layout sketches of the house, establishing mood and feel. Note also sketches for the Khan refinery assault scene that was ultimately cut from the climax of the movie.
More sketches of the rectilinear version of the house.