As is common when you're brought on early in the development of a movie, much of what I worked on for Kingsman 2 didn't make it into the final script. In fact, the stuff I spent the most time on I can't even show, as it's likely to be used for Kingsman 3! But the Statesman's New York headquarters was one idea that got eliminated fairly early on as redundant. Writer/Director Matthew Vaughan & Production Designer Darren Gilford's idea was that the Statesman's original '20s speakeasy building would have been preserved inside the new, modern headquarters. At the time, the production was also courting Jack Daniel's Whiskey to be the front for the Statesmen. Probably for the best that they ended up just creating their own brand!! I can't imagine any brand giving "carte blanche" to a story world as crazy as Kingsman's!