Avengers: infinity War (2017) - Battering Ram keyframe reverse angle

Reverse angle on the previously posted keyframe, showing the effect on poor Thanos. As always, wonderful fun to paint Ryan's amazing take on ol' knuckle-chin. IM mk50 suit & battering rams sculpted in ZBrush, rendered in Keyshot and heavily painted over in Photoshop. All else in the image is Photoshop painting.

Grappling feet design for this scene. I wanted them to feel like they grew organically out of the existing design lines of the Mk 50 suit, and feel like he's planting roots.

Grappling feet design for this scene. I wanted them to feel like they grew organically out of the existing design lines of the Mk 50 suit, and feel like he's planting roots.

Grappling feet design for this scene. I wanted them to feel like they grew organically out of the existing design lines of the Mk 50 suit, and feel like he's planting roots.

Grappling feet design for this scene. I wanted them to feel like they grew organically out of the existing design lines of the Mk 50 suit, and feel like he's planting roots.