Credit for the design of this suit belongs to the incomparable Ryan Meinerding. Marvel was looking for a design that would stand out among the classic red/gold suits we had done to date, and Ryan came up with reversing the color palette for a truly distinctive look. He also broke up the panels in a more angular and complex fashion than we had done to date, justifying the multiple flying components of the suit-up sequence.
Overwhelmed with all his other tasks on the show, he enlisted me to complete the design, having me do a pass at unifying the graphic language of the panel breakups, adding some form development to the arms and legs in particular, and designing the helmet and back view. He then took the design and added back in some of the idiosyncratic graphic elements in the legs that I had oversimplified. Once again, an example of the kind of great collaborations you can have on a project like this when you have a lot of trust and respect between colleagues.