Black Panther Wakanda Forever: Ironheart Flying Studies (2021)

A couple of (relatively) looser paintings to explore how Ironheart might fly. I was looking to come up with something different than Ironman, given the big boosters on her back. I thought it might be cool if she were to "surf" against the water and waves during the battle with the Talokan, flying in more of an upright position, like a Macross Battroid in Gerwalk mode. Again, I had a blast painting the ocean. Since this was taking place in the Atlantic, I imagined a darker rougher sea than what was eventually depicted in the movie.

Cribbing on the classic "jet fighter over water" imagery.

Cribbing on the classic "jet fighter over water" imagery.

I imagined Ironheart making quick turns by "banking" against waves like a surfer.

I imagined Ironheart making quick turns by "banking" against waves like a surfer.

Some work in progress...

Some work in progress...