The King's Man - Rasputin (2018)

Another keyframe for The King's Man, this time introducing Grigori Rasputin. Director Matthew Vaughn wanted an image set in the Winter Palace, showing our villain holding the Tsar and Tsarina in thrall to his magnetism (and of course the drug he has them hooked on, concealed in his crucifix.) As is common in the early stages of development, casting is still in the wish list phase, so this first pass explored Liam Neeson in the role.

Final image. I tried to introduce a flow in the composition curving from Tsarina Alex's eyeline through her and the Tsar's hands to the crucifix they're both lusting after, on top of the overall pyramidal layout drawing your eye to Rasputin.

Final image. I tried to introduce a flow in the composition curving from Tsarina Alex's eyeline through her and the Tsar's hands to the crucifix they're both lusting after, on top of the overall pyramidal layout drawing your eye to Rasputin.

Early B&W layout sketch, which I refined into the final. It started out a lot racier, but was understandably tamed down by the end.

Early B&W layout sketch, which I refined into the final. It started out a lot racier, but was understandably tamed down by the end.