Avengers: Endgame - Rescue Suit Final Design (2016)

These are renders (painted over in Photoshop) of my final zSculpt of Pepper's Rescue suit from Avengers: Endgame. As soon as the design sketches were approved I moved into Zbrush to finalize the design and create the back view. I sculpted over Gwyneth Paltrow's life cast, so that the practical suit parts made for shooting would fit her specifically. And yes, that incredibly long, elegant neck IS hers! I also wanted to work out how the auxiliary thrusters and airbrakes would fold up into her back.

Front view.

Front view.

Auxiliary thrusters deployed.

Auxiliary thrusters deployed.

Rear view.

Rear view.

Air Brakes deployed.

Air Brakes deployed.

Auxiliary thrusters deployed.

Auxiliary thrusters deployed.