Avengers: Infinity War (2017) - War Machine Mk IV concept sketch

This was the initial concept that got selected for War Machine Mk IV. Originally, Rhodey would have sported two different suits in the movie, and I took this design and the Mk V suit all the way to a finished ZBrush sculpt before the two were ultimately combined into one.

Original concept sketch for the Mk IV War Machine suit. Was trying to go for a more advanced, faceted look to contrast with the extreme organic look of IM Mk50.

Original concept sketch for the Mk IV War Machine suit. Was trying to go for a more advanced, faceted look to contrast with the extreme organic look of IM Mk50.

Initial block-in. I'll usually just try to establish volumes, lighting, pose and mood before I start designing directly on the painting. Sometimes I'll paint over multiple design ideas before landing on the one I like.

Initial block-in. I'll usually just try to establish volumes, lighting, pose and mood before I start designing directly on the painting. Sometimes I'll paint over multiple design ideas before landing on the one I like.