Avengers: Infinity War (2016) - Iron Man Mk 50 final front view

Final design illustrations for the Mk 50 Iron Man suit. Painted in Photoshop over a Keyshot render of my final zBrush sculpt.

Rendering for VFX to show how the suit should fit proportionally to RDJ's head. Portrait was just painted on in Photoshop.

Rendering for VFX to show how the suit should fit proportionally to RDJ's head. Portrait was just painted on in Photoshop.

Final suit front view. Photoshop over Keyshot render of ZBrush sculpt.

Final suit front view. Photoshop over Keyshot render of ZBrush sculpt.

Final rear view illustration. Photoshop painting over zBrush screen grab.

Final rear view illustration. Photoshop painting over zBrush screen grab.

Turntable of my ZBrush sculpt of the Mk 50.